Generally speaking, there are 2 types of commands for navigating directories in Linux system.
They are listed in the following.
- cd
- pushd and popd
$> cd <PATH>
Besides jumping to
, command cd
will also remember the last directory you have visited. It means that you can jump back and forth between the current location and the previous location.# For demonstration, assuming we are staying at dir1 first
$ ~/dir1>
# Go to dir2
$ ~/dir1> cd ../dir2
$ ~/dir2>
# Jump back to dir1
$ ~/dir2> cd -
$ ~/dir1>
# Jump back to dir2
$ ~/dir1> cd -
$ ~/dir2>
pushd and popd
Since command
is able to remember only one directory, you need to use pushd and popd if you would records more.# Assume we are staying at dir1
$ ~/dir1>
# Go to directory dir2 and records down
# There are 2 records. The left one represents current directory while the right
# one represents the directory you have pushed.
$ ~/dir1> pushd ../dir2
~/dir2 ~/dir1
$ ~/dir2>
# Go to directory dir3 and records down
$ ~/dir2> pushd ../dir3
~/dir3 ~/dir2 ~/dir1
$ ~/dir3>
# Checkout current directory stack
$ ~/dir3> dirs
~/dir3 ~/dir2 ~/dir1
# Go back dir2
$ ~/dir3> popd
$ ~/dir2>
# Go back dir1
$ ~/dir2> popd
$ ~/dir1>
# Errors
$ ~/dir1> popd
bash: popd: directory stack empty