
Analyze the trend of singing happy birthday in Mong Kong


Umbrella Revolution is a memorable and a breakthrough of the Hong Kong’s protests. Although I am focusing on (or trying to) analyzing the phenomenons from this protest which does not involved the democracy related issues, I love and support the Yellow Ribbon’s side.

Song of Happy birthday

This is a funny way and becomes a trend for protesters to repel the harassment from the opponents. Protesters sings the song of happy birthday to reply any insane acts from opponents. Here is an example for showing how this song works in this protest. Although it is ridiculous, it keeps both sides in peace.

How this trend diffused ?

Recap what we learnt from the lectures:
Processes of social diffusion of new practices:
1) New ideas and social practices are introduced by notable example (e.g. by very heavy advertising)
2) Initially, the rate of adoption is slow because new ways are unfamiliar, customs resist change, and results are uncertain
3) As early adopters convey more information about how to apply the new practices and their potential benefits, the innovation is adopted at an accelerating rate
4) After a period in which the new practices spread rapidly, the rate of diffusion slows down
5) The use of the innovation then either stabilizes or declines, depending upon its relative functional value
Information from the facebook, the trend originated from here (around 1:10) which posted on Oct 4. Views clicks (till now 2014/10/17) is 107,271 and around 1,045 shares. Facts meet point 1.
Below graphs shows the trend for keywords like “生日” (happy birthday) “示威” (protests) in google trend.
You can see trends for keywords “生日” on Oct 4 and Oct 5 are more or less the same. (Point 2 and Point 3). Suddenly, there are huge climbs on Oct 6 (Point 4). The trend decreased after Oct 6 (Point 5)


After comparing the theory from lecture notes with the facts, I learn and understand better the steps involved in social diffusion.

