octave is a GNU project which is a kind of alternative for MatLab. Below covers how I install this stuff in my MBA.
Since I am using port, I follow guides from the official wiki here. Below are the actual commands I have typed.
sudo port selfupdate
sudo port upgrade outdated
sudo port install octave
sudo port install octave +gui
sudo port install arpack -accelerate+atlas
If you can run below commands successfully, congratulation. This post is end. However, if you have gotchas like me, checkout below notes.
- There are errors like missing fortran compiler
port install gcc49
Gcc other than 49 may work too. But I test with this one.
- There are errors like missing tex
port install texlive-basic port install texlive-latex
After running above calls, run again
port install octave
It should fix all the problems.
Open octave
You can simply type
in your spotlight and octave will be there.